I’ll Be Back!

Hey, Everyone!

Hope all is supercalifragilisticallyexpealidocious in your lives. 🙂


(Hang on – here’s the English version!)

As for me, life is preparing to twirl me around the globe for a bit – and I couldn’t be more thrilled!


My glutes have been glued to the seat of a desk of academia far longer than my inner gypsy can handle. She is squirming, clawing, crying out for physical FREEDOM!


Luckily, a hefty helping of research-related travel has plopped onto my plate & I’m about to stuff my gut with it.


Will be MIA for the next several months, depending upon a myriad of travel & research-related factors.

My travel, as always, will be to remote regions where life does not depend upon the internet. Accordingly, I will not be posting until my return. I will so miss our interaction while I’m gone, but look forward to resuming our exchanges when I’m back home.

If you’re subscribed to my blog, you will receive the first blog post upon my return. If you’re not a subscriber, subscribe now to be notified about my return to the blogosphere.

Because I’ll be back!


There’s no shutting me up for long – too much going on in the world, so much to say about it, and can’t wait to hear what you guys think about it all!

Have a wonderful next few months. Will miss you loads & toads!

Sylver Blaque 
